Saturday, February 12, 2011

BUT MOM...!!!

So I took the kids to McDonalds, so they could play in the indoor playground. they like to run around and it is a cheap way to get out of the house and for them to expend some of their pent up energy. So it was pretty crowded, and a guy with his daughter sat next to us. Ethan looked at the man and proceeded to say. " Mom, that guys tooth is falling out!" Ugh... So I try to shush him, and he gets pissed and says. "MOM, YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!!!" The guys tooth is falling out, I saw him touching it!" Somehow I managed to get him away from the table and tried to tell him that we don't talk about other people like that because it could hurt their feelings... but he was just matter of fact about it and insisted the guys tooth was falling out... needless to say, we didn't stay too much longer after that.

Valentine's Day

So I have been trying to teach Ethan about Valentines Day this week. We bought a couple of crafts to do during the week. So he made these little valentines and decided he wanted to take one to his ice skating instructor Ms. Lynn. So he was proudly carrying around his valentine, and we get in the car and the radio was playing as I was buckling him up.Then all of a sudden out of nowhere comes a big attitude from the back seat. " MOM!!!! I don't have any flowers! I just heard you need to have flowers for Valentines day!!!" I tried to explain that he didn't need flowers for his instructor but, " BUT MOM I HEARD IT!! WE NEED FLOWERS!!!" I told him that he just needs to make sure to tell Daddy about the flowers, but Ms. Lynn will be happy with her pretty heart.....

Um... it was adorable watching him go up to her with the Valentine and telling her Happy Valentines day.... she was surprised and he was kinda giddy about it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Justin Who???

Ethan, " Mom, I think I hear Justin Beaver"


" Mom, is this Josh Grogan?"

and Mady wants to read "No Wipe and da seven dwarfs"